Following the gruesome deaths of cats in Universiti Malaya (UM) found in mutilated states, this group of local activists took it upon themselves to rescue strays...
This wholesome video may just leave a smile on your face! Taking to TikTok, netizen shared how her adopted doggo, Sardine behaved after giving her...
Human relationships are tricky, and it’s never a clean cut when we end things. Some of us might still hate our exes’ guts or might want...
Dogs are men’s best friend and just like other pets, they deserve to be treated humanely and with love. To lose and grieve a pet is...
Dogs are men’s best friends and we have so many reasons to get them as a house pet, not just to guard the house. However, dog...
Most of us are proud parents to our furbabies, but not many of us can be as dedicated and devoted as Aunty Aileen is to the...
As pet owners, it’s very important to be responsible so that your pets can live a long and healthy life. One of the most important things...
4 stray dogs have been found dead due to alleged poisoning near a row of shoplots at Lahat Mines, Ipoh on 4 June 2022. In a...
Especially considering stray dogs are only in the position they’re in because of irresponsible owners who do not neuter their pets, these strays are often treated...
Recently, a 34-year-old Malaysian named Malathi Saravanan took to Facebook to share the struggles that she and her furbabies have been facing during this pandemic. In...
We often hear stories about how selfish people abuse innocent animals for their own enjoyment. However, once in a while, we read stories about kind souls...
We often see stray dogs and cats by the roadside and, to be honest, most of them are living in dirty conditions which will, in turn,...
Most animal shelters welcome any help that they can get to ensure their sustenance and the well-being of the animals that are under their care. With...
If you’re looking to give a cat a forever home, now is the time to do so, as these cats will be sent to the DBKL...
It’s always inspiring to see people who run animal shelters. These people put the needs of the animals before their own and while doing so, they...
Having a pet has always been a long term responsibility, especially when the pet is acquired when it’s a cute little baby. But what happens when...