While everyone is home bound at the moment, stray animals are having a tough time in finding food and they are truly struggling. Stray animals are...
As the MCO sails along smoothly for many, with the exception of those that lack obedience and discipline, one group of people remain the most affected:...
Update: The implementation of this system has been postponed by the Terengganu Police Contingent for further review. The Terengganu Police has decided to implement a number...
During this Movement Control Order, everyone is required to stay at home which results in people not being able to go out and work to earn...
This is what happens when you don’t comply by the regulations of authorities. Last min kena macam ni waktu sekolah..Cukup2 la degil tu… ???? Posted by...
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM) have been publishing some considerable sexist and gender stereotypical postings...
As of late, the country has begun its nationwide disinfection operation. Commendable efforts as it is, there are a handful of leaders and experts that have...
Malaysia’s compliance rate towards the Movement Control Order (MCO) is highly encouraging as many people realise the importance of the restricted movement and are playing their...
With so many hospitals already understaffed and more patients flooding in daily, inconsiderate actions like these could really affect the lives of others during these troubling...
With the movement control order (MCO) entering its third week, PDRM has already arrested 828 individuals at road blocks and during patrols for going against the...
Do you know that our Malaysian prison inmates produce quite a lot of things that you see in the market these days? These products produced by...
Menara City One Condominium located on Jalan Masjid India, Kuala Lumpur has been placed under lockdown after 17 Covid-19 cases were recorded. According to Malaysia Kini,...
The compliance rate for the Movement Control Order (MCO) is currently at 95% and the government aspires to reach total compliance of 100%. Unfortunately, reaching a...
One of Malaysia’s treasures, the National Zoo or famously known as Zoo Negara is currently calling out for help as their operating costs are being affected...
As Malaysia moves into its second phase of MCO, another new restriction emerges. According to a report by Malaysiakini, the government would begin to restrict the...
While some of us work from home comfortably, many are still struggling – this includes our fellow hawker aunty and uncles. Netizen Gary Chong took to...