Recently, imitating signature anime moves has become a brand new meme in 2017. The funny events include screaming like Goku from Dragon Ball, running like the...
A school from Cheras recently went viral as they received backlash for banning an event. Recently, there have been many funny anime-related events taking place around...
Malaysia is a really special place. We have some very special food and travel destinations we can proudly boast about. But at the same time, we’ve...
Malaysians are notorious for being TERRIBLE on the road. We have people who race on windy roads up to the highlands, and even on small kampung roads....
Malaysians debate a lot when it comes to whole halal and haram issues, such as the latest ‘Pretzel Dog’ one for example! While Malaysians look to...
*Image for illustration purposes only* In Asia, there’s this belief that marrying someone means marrying their family too. But of course, youngsters nowadays wouldn’t want that...