Despite his ongoing trial, preacher Ebit Lew is still traveling around the world. This time, he landed himself in Japan, and while many of us may...
Football is a beautiful game and is supposed to unite and not divide society. With Malaysian football making significant waves in recent times, with the emergence of...
A mother and her daughter almost became victims to this apex predator, when a crocodile attacked and dragged them almost 10 metres into the water, while...
The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) recently shared a wholesome moment involving two of its officers who went beyond the call of duty to help an elderly...
You can always rely on a member of the public to step up to help you during moments of need. Although we are used to seeing...
The weather hasn’t been kind to us lately, with the scorching sun continuing to make us feel uncomfortable and constantly thirsty. It makes some elderly people...
ADUN Dusun Tua, Edry Faizal has his own unique way of settling rubbish issues in his constituency. In a video that went viral on social media,...
Taking to Twitter, this netizen shared a video of this Italian, sharing his opinion on why locals and Malaysians should look after Penang’s environment and not...
Incidences of abuse such as domestic violence and intimate partner violence will most probably take place behind closed doors, but when one experiences or sees it for...
For people working during a kenduri or huge gatherings where elbow grease is needed, the thought of scrubbing cups, plates, cutleries, pots and pans, is a...
Taking to Twitter, @mynewshub shared a video of this man, angry at the fact that the man who hit his motorcycle began recording, despite the accident...
Taking to Twitter, this netizen shared how a shouting match took place at this akka’s Nasi Lemak stall, garnering unwanted attention at the already booming business. Here are...
It is not new news that animals have started taking advantage of empty streets, especially in the dead of night, probably to check out local attractions...
The horrifying image of a poor dog, in chains, dragged on the streets from the back of a lorry in Serdang Jaya, has made its way...
Taking place at the Chow Kit area, right in front of IMR and UKM KL, this child almost became another statistic as he ran across the...
This video, taken by a dashcam, shows a person darting between two lanes in the dead of night, while carrying a machette. The video, which lasted...