Following an entire night of downpours, multiple areas in Klang have been hit by floods, causing inconveniences to the residents and those who were commuting to...
While residents in Klang Valley deal with flash floods, those en route to Cameron Highlands yesterday (November 13) couldn’t proceed with their journey. In a statement,...
With the sinkhole victim yet to be found, another sunken road in Masjid India has been spotted. This time, it’s just 50 meters away from the...
The rainy season has put all Malaysians on high alert over the potential scare of flash floods, and honestly, it is for valid reasons. A recent...
There was panic at the mall earlier today after the ceiling of Megah Rise Mall in Petaling Jaya, Selangor collapsed after a heavy downpour. Video of...
Deadly rains that pummeled China’s capital in recent days were the heaviest since records began 140 years ago, Beijing’s weather service said on Wednesday, as a...
Last week at Klang Taman Sentosa, a man took charge of handling traffic when several vehicles were stuck during a heavy downpour. An Instagram user, Nava...
Two pythons were spotted emerging from drains due to the heavy rain that caused a massive flash flood in Kuala Lumpur yesterday (10 September). A video...