The Malaysian fascination with South Korea has led to crowds of us visiting the country, and one of the most popular destinations is the famous street...
It’s obvious that Shawn Mendes has A LOT of fans who are CRAZY about him. I mean, with a voice and a face like that, who...
Sorry Malaysian Muslim friends! There’s been a lot of speculation on whether the White Rabbit candy is deemed halal or haram, and today we FINALLY have...
There was recent controversy about whether some of the popular bubble tea chains in Malaysia were really certified halal or not as a few of them...
In the month of April this year, Malaysian actor Shah Radhi Hazfee announced his plan of opening a Halal pub, capitalising on the Malaysian Muslim craze...
Malaysia has always been known throughout the world as a racial melting pot of a country with different cultures, races, and religions existing side by side...
‘Monkey see, monkey do’ has never been so relevant a phrase than it is in this day and age, where people are becoming more and more...
The bubble tea industry has hit Malaysia by storm. With huge brands from Taiwan serving the sugary milk tea with tapioca pearls, we’re now faced with...
Saudi Arabia is known for many things – from the Red Sea to Mecca where Muslims perform their pilgrimage, the country has always been known for...
The Indonesian island of Lombok is becoming an increasingly popular travel destination, and the gorgeous natural landscape alone makes it worth the trip! However, if you...
The bubble tea boom in Malaysia has received both love and backlash, and it seems every segment of society has an opinion on the sugary opiate...
I might not drink for obvious reasons and I’m not sure how to feel about a “halal pub”. The halal market can be a lucrative one...
Porcine is quite a touchy subject for Malaysians. However, you can’t blame us because it is outlined in the Islamic religion as haram. Though it is...
Some, but not all Islamic authorities, are at times a very confused bunch. There are provisions such as things related to pork or canines that are...
In a report by the Malay Mail, the Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) reportedly claimed that Muslims need to be vigilant when consuming fish as some...
A tourist hotspot, Kyoto is said to be the most beautiful city in Japan. The former capital of the island nation, Kyoto maintains its traditional roots...