A Malaysian air-stewardess, Mei Li (pseudonym) recently shared a story on how her reckless actions led to her getting pregnant with a stranger’s child. Joining the...
Now, if you’re in any group or part of any organisation, you would definitely be added to all the WhatsApp groups. Most of the time, there...
Teachers are meant to educate and guide children and youngsters towards building bright futures for themselves and their communities. But, what happens when a teacher, instead...
Friends are one of the most important support systems in our lives. By surrounding ourselves with the right people, we experience a sense of connectedness and...
Ah, relatives…they just have to know everything don’t they? Somehow at every stage of life, there’s either one particular relative or a group of relatives who...
I don’t know about you, but the relationship between spouses should remain private, no matter how big…or small. A rather peculiar case happened in the Probolinggo...
Sometimes, a relationship may just be fated not to last. And however hard you may try to turn things around, the end result may just get...
The treatment of rape victims and rape in general in our country is, to be honest, still sad and extremely lacking. While there is more awareness...
Once upon a time, General Election (GE) campaigns were simply made up of politicians travelling near and far to campaign and give speeches. In 2008 however,...
Asians are typically super judgemental, especially when it comes to the more traditional side of things such as celebrations, birthdays, weddings, etc. Which is why it...
The Biebs is making media headway yet again, only now it’s for something far less controversial; the “Sorry” artist has amassed a staggering eight, count ’em,...