This is seriously outrageous! A video recently went viral on social media showing a group of young teens bullying and harassing a lone senior citizen on...
Sometimes it’s inevitable that we will end up going home late due to work or other issues but it’s always good to make sure that you...
According to the Daily Mail, a woman in Pakistan was recently abused by her husband in a case that has shocked the nation. This disturbing incident...
On Saturday night, a hot-tempered man brutally beat up his son and wife all because there was no chilli on the meatballs that his son had helped...
What did this innocent kitten do to receive such fate? On 16 March, a man bought a kitten from a pet shop to profess his...
Last year, United Airlines made international headlines for dragging a passenger out of his seat on the airplane. Just yesterday, the airlines caused another uproar again...
Looks like the garbage truck forgot to pick these bullies up at the playground. Just yesterday (14 March), an infuriating video was uploaded by Nur Izzara...
There’s nothing wrong with spending money on your girlfriend, but you just have to make sure that the money you’re spending is yours, and doesn’t belong...
“Hey look, there’s two bicycles there. Let’s dump them in the drain for no reason,” said no one ever, except for this couple. In a 13-second...
Somebody give this lawyer a brain scan, quick! A lawyer named Nabih al-Wahsh from Egypt has recently caused outrage across the globe after making an extremely...
Let’s be honest, no woman in this world likes to share her husband with another woman. Hence, when this man expressed his wish to marry a...
There is no word other than ‘sick’ to describe this father. A 48-year-old Malaysian man was recently sentenced to jail on Monday for filming his biological...
For years, local bus drivers’ reputation have gone down the drain due to the accidents caused by their reckless driving, and this dash cam footage is...