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Man Slams Innocent Kitten to Death After Pet Shop Refused to Take it Back


Man Buys Kitten To Profess His Love, Slammed It To Death After Pet Shop Refuse To Take It Back - World Of Buzz
Source: Xuehua

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What did this innocent kitten do to receive such fate? 🙁 

On 16 March, a man bought a kitten from a pet shop to profess his love to a lady. Sadly, she rejected him and the cruel guy ended up brutally killing the kitten. This outrageous incident happened in Nanjing, China.

According to KwongWah, the animal-abuser surnamed Zhang,  bought a two-month-old kitten for 2,000 yuan (approx. RM1,200). The kitten was then used to profess his love to a receptionist working at his company; unfortunately, she rejected Zhang straight up, though she did accept the kitten.

However, after a few days, the lady asked Zhang to take the kitten back because she didn’t know how to care for it. The kitten’s condition was deteriorating as it hadn’t been eating for a few days.

Zhang then brought it back to the pet shop and asked the shop owner to temporarily care for the kitten. Seeing its condition, the owner agreed to Zhang’s request.


Source: xuehua

In the next few days, Zhang visited the shop again and shamelessly asked the owner to continue caring for the kitten because he wasn’t free to do so, otherwise he’d ask the owner to refund the money for the kitten. What a douche! 

Facing such ridiculous request, the owner declined. That’s when Zhang said,

“Give me the cat, I will settle it myself.”

He proceeded to walk out of the premise with the kitten inside a pink plastic bag. Suddenly, he violently slammed the poor soul on the floor multiple times. The two-month-old kitten was twitching in pain and Zhang continued slamming it on the ground several more times. That’s so cruel! 

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Source: xuehua


Source: xuehua

By the time the staff ran out, the kitten was already dying on the floor. While they were calling the police, Zhang fled the scene. A worker lifted the kitten and started crying. Heartbreakingly, the kitten didn’t survive and it was buried by the staff.

Netizens were enraged over Zhang’s sadistic behaviour and criticised him for killing the innocent kitten. It was unsure whether Zhang has been caught but his company has reportedly sacked him. He deserves it! 

We hope the man would be held against the law for inflicting such pain to the kitten. RIP kitty. 🙁


Also read: Puppy Suffocates to Death After Cabin Crew Asked Owner to Put It in Overhead Compartment

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