After a short “hiatus,” Adeline is back again with a similar issue following a previous encounter at a noodle house in SS2, PJ, where she dodged...
After a short period of silence, Adeline is out looking for a job, even if it doesn’t pay her. Following her refusal to pay for her...
Sports can sometimes be a bold and invigorating way to get some blood pumping in one’s system. But there’s no denying, some probably have a knack...
Motorcyclists running red lights are a very common thing in Malaysia, but that doesn’t mean that other road users are ready to take it as something...
With all of us still going through the pandemic, we have to adapt to the new norms even during the festive season. With Chinese New Year...
A 17-year-old student died after he was allegedly hit by a drunk driver at Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur this morning (22 September) at 3am. The...
While many look forward to celebrating festive occasions like New Year’s Eve because of the beautiful firework displays that light up the night, we should always...
Jerks drive Myvis, however, not all Myvi drivers are jerks. I drive a Myvi too. Another week, another Myvi driver causing unneeded chaos. It amazes me...
In the kitchen, the head chef is someone who is respected. It is well known that some chefs can be very strict and can scare junior...
To what lengths would you go just to catch a flight? For this guy, he was willing to jump off the departure gate, dodge security and sprint over...