Perverts come in all shapes and sizes. Their looks, profession, culture or religion doesn’t matter as much as how SICK they are in the head. One...
Malaysians take their food very seriously. We don’t joke around when it comes to how a dish should taste. But one dude totally took it too far...
In the Western countries and many Asian countries, it is common for patrons of fast food restaurants to clear our own trays. However, in Malaysia, we...
The internet as we know it can be extremely toxic as people get to hide behind anonymity to show their inner demons. However, through the internet,...
Being scammed or cheated on sucks. But it will never compare to the moment when a friend does that to us. One such victim was Rachel...
When we’re in a public space, we need to always be mindful about the other people around us. That’s only common courtesy which everyone should know...
Getting a driver’s license in Malaysia has become disgustingly easy over the past couple of decades. Because as long as you have money, it’s all good....
Food and hygiene should go hand in hand, for very obvious reasons. So imagine how appalled everyone was when a video surfaced showing a particular mamak shop in Kulai Jaya,...
Tomato and chili sauce are perhaps the most popular condiments to be served with dim sum. But after watching how this woman handled the sauce, I’ve...
What was meant to be a normal evening at work turned into a night of sexual harassment for one poor lady. On March 7, 2017, a...
Plastic surgery is so common in South Korea that it’s practically tradition for parents to give plastic surgeries to their children who are transitioning from high...
Recycling is something the Malaysian government has been putting a lot of effort into implementing in recent years. Of course, this is to save the planet...
Malaysians generally love food. And regardless of the state of the restaurant, be it an old kopitiam or roadside mamak, if the food is good, we’ll...
A 40-year old man was arrested and forced to walk to the police truck in his birthday suit after he was caught having sex with a cow...
Moving to a foreign country is usually a very exciting yet daunting feeling. It is exciting because you get to discover a new place but then, there’s...
Mannequins are seen basically everywhere you go, especially in shopping malls as they have many apparel stores. However, for one man, a naked female mannequin appears...