Are your family members and relatives (including you) experiencing cough, flu, and other respiratory diseases? According to the Ministry of Health (MOH), the spread of the...
With the Chinese government announcing the outbreak of the Norovirus earlier this month, this is something you might want to be mindful of if you’re visiting...
Sex education is important and shouldn’t be considered taboo because it’s not about having sex, but the consequences that follow if we don’t practice safe sex. ...
As the holy month of Ramadan is upon us, Malaysians are flocking to Ramadan bazaars every evening for a wide array of local delicacies. From colourful kuihs...
Addiction is rarely good, from coffee to drugs, and then to pornography. Sadly, pornography addiction does not only happen to adults but also the underage youth. ...
You can pretty much buy anything you want if you have the money. As for Elon Musk, he forked out a huge amount of money recently...
A high-profile shaman from Sri Lanka who claimed he was able to stop the spread of the virus in his country with ‘magic’ water has reportedly...
After losing his daughter to Covid-19, a van driver decided to become a volunteer at a vaccination centre in order to help save others. According to...
A new study on the Delta variant found that the dominant variant could reproduce in the noses of individuals who had already been vaccinated, much like...
Remember the movie ‘I Am Legend’ starring Will Smith about humans turning into zombies? Well apparently, certain vaccine-hesitant people are afraid to get their Covid-19 vaccination...
Don’t try this at home, guys. A man from the Jiangsu Province of East China inserted a live eel into his rectum from his anus in...
One question…WHY? A 63-year-old man from Eastern China is in critical condition after he suffered a near-fatal snakebite while trying to catch a Chinese copperhead to...
Homemade remedies are abundant on social media, with many claiming to cure a multitude of ailments from the common flu to cancer. With the government and...
Disclaimer: This piece reflects the writer’s opinion and compiled opinions of others on the subject matter. It does not reflect the opinions or beliefs of WORLD...
When you’re in a room with poor ventilation, you know the true power of a fart. A pastor in Limpopo, South Africa has claimed that his...
One thing we’ve all come to realise is that our elderly parents will fall for anything that is being shared on WhatsApp. And they’ll share it...