This mother has a psychotic way of disciplining her children. She took her 2-year-old daughter to the bathroom four years ago and submerged her head underwater...
Anime backgrounds are always super mesmerising and dreamy, and don’t we all secretly wish to live inside a Hayao Miyazaki film? (Younger anime fans may relate...
It is known that Marvel characters hail from all kinds of different creeds and backgrounds. But now, finally, after all these years of anxious anticipation, we...
And so the saga continues… Recently, a Malaysian man who made his wife and infant child sleep on the streets so that he could travel the...
How many times did you look through your resume before you hit the send button so that you can maximise your chances? Well, Penny Law recently...
Take note, parents! Beginning 1st of April 2019, you can now check out a new child sexual offenders registry to see whether the person you hired...
It is common for us to see couples selecting different themes and backgrounds to capture the best photos to commemorate their wedding day. Most couples choose...
We have seen boyfriends going to great lengths just to make their girlfriends happy, including buying expensive gifts worth up to a month’s salary. Similarly, one...
This could’ve been an inspiring story of a young man turning over a new leaf, but sadly, it looks like a leopard can’t change its spots. ...
Having smartphones with built-in cameras have saved us the hassle of carrying a separate camera. However, many perverted guys have abused this technology as they often...
Thanks to a few black sheep with horrendous behaviours, individuals with honorary titles such as ‘Datuk Seri’ have been getting a bad name, and the recent...
Image source: Matthew Facebook Matthew, a teacher from Singapore recently posted about his experience of teaching a particular class of high school students. We all know how...