At some point, we all have done it. Accidentally buying something similar to what we need but completely different is a fairly common mistake after all, but usually, no one gets hurt or traumatised by it.
This girl on Twitter shared how her mum went to the store to buy a bottle of aloe vera gel for the family to use. You know, the famous remedy for dry skin and sunburn. Nothing can go wrong, right? However, Eleanor claimed that her sister said it felt weird after applying it on her leg.
After checking the product, Eleanor noticed it was a sex lubricant gel.

Source: Twitter
Although Eleanor’s younger sibling is 19-years-old, she had no idea what she had applied to her skin. Eleanor then told her mum regarding the gel, claiming her mum was shocked and was reminded how people were eyeing her at the counter when she was making payment for the gel.
Eleanor’s mum, who wears a hijab, claimed she was ashamed and shocked that she had bought the wrong product for her kids.
Netizens were quick to jump on this tweet and share their or their family’s experiences of buying the wrong product.
Same goes to my late grandma..dia pernah pegi watsons nak beli shampoo, nak buat shampoo kepala katanya..sekali bawak blk tngok2 feminine wash???i was like "tokmek ni bukey oghe wat shampu wat shampu hok bawoh tu??" HAHAHAHHAHA
— ذوليخا? (@zulaykhayusuf) January 20, 2020
This netizen described how her late grandmother accidentally bought feminine wash from Watsons when she had meant to buy shampoo, and thankfully she stopped her from using it!
Weh aku pernah masa sekolah rendah pergi ambik condom yg dekat dgn counter cashier tu Sbb aku mati mati ingat kan gula gula . Aku tertarik dgn packaging dia masa tu comel .? lepas tu akk dtg terus marah .herm mana lah aku tahu?
— nescafetarekkk (@hdytllly) January 20, 2020
This netizen shared that when she was young, she had once picked up a packet of condoms at the cashier counter as she thought they were sweets. Her elder sister, however, told her off, and she learned a valuable lesson that day!
But more than anything, thanks to the Twitter community, Eleanor is glad she managed to sell the lube off after her mum decided to throw away the product. Let this be a lesson for all of us to double-check the products we’re paying for before leaving the store next time.
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