Rejoice, breastfeeding mummies and mummies-to-be! We have some good news that will relieve your financial burden a little bit.
We are all aware that breastfeeding equipment can get a little expensive; for example, a breast pump can range anywhere from RM20 up to RM200++. So, to help lift that financial burden for you, the government is giving a tax relief for these types of equipment. Yay!

Source: Carrefour
Although, according to the Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK) Facebook page, this isn’t a new implementation as the tax relief has been initiated since last year (2017) by our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Thanks, our beloved PM!
So, if you’re a breastfeeding mum or mum-to-be who wants to utilise this tax relief, here’s what you need to know;
1. There are only several types of breastfeeding equipment that are entitled to this tax relief. They are;
- Breast pump kit (manual and electronic)
- Ice pack
- Breast milk collection and storage equipment
- A cooler set/bag
2. You are only eligible to claim up to RM1,000 for breastfeeding equipment. Thus, anything above RM1,000 cannot be claimed.
3. The tax relief is only available for women. Hence, men cannot claim this tax.
4. You are only allowed to claim the money once every two years. So, if you claim the amount this year (2018), the next claim can only be made in 2020 if you have bought anything new.

Source: Facebook
With that said, there are a bunch of other things that you can also get a tax relief from, as listed by the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDM). Amongst them are personal higher education fees, medical fees, alimony to ex-spouses, and more.
So, mummies and mummies-to-be, don’t forget to utilise this opportunity to ease your financial burden! You can also check their website to see what other items you can get a tax relief from!
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