A Facebook user from Ipoh shared how he stumbled upon a little dog running aimlessly on the road and how he broke down in tears when he read the letter that was attached to the dog’s collar.
Lionel shared that he was getting groceries on 29 March when he spotted a little dog running aimlessly in the middle of the road at Jalan Canning Estate in Canning Garden, Ipoh.
Even though traffic wasn’t as heavy as usual due to the movement control order, some cars and bikes were blaring their horns at the lost doggy as it tried to swerve away from the vehicles.

He then stopped by the roadside and the little doggy walked towards him, away from the middle of the road.
“She had a soggy note folded up n tied around her neck. I tried not to move at all to maybe gain her trust,” he wrote.
“She stood away for about 10 minutes, watching my every pulse it seemed, before she finally approached me from the back, sniffed, then walked round to face me.”
Lionel took the note from the dog’s collar and hoped to find the owner’s contact or address. However, what he read brought tears to his eyes.
Here’s the note:

Without thinking, Lionel took the dog and brought it home where he fed and bathed her.
“I broke down in tears. I experienced all kinds of emotions, but very little foresight. Probably wasn’t a good sight for all the passing vehicles,” he wrote.
“But inside of that moment of mental-blankness I decided. She was going to get into my car, and off the road. Not because I knew what I was doing, or where to go, but because right then I knew I didn’t need to have all the answers before I took a step forward.”
“And so I brought her home. Fed and bathed her, dried her off n put her to bed. She’s downstairs now in a cosy bed I made under a couch where she seems most comfortable, and I’m up here in my bed, about to feed her bread and honey and chunks of chewies in my dreams.”

Lionel then reminds everyone who are thinking of getting a pet to think of the commitments before deciding:
- Do not move to get a pet unless you are ready for a full-on commitment
- Do not move to get a pet unless you can be sure your commitment-related decisions ARE NOT governed by mood swings or other forms of inconsistency
- If you have committed to your best ability but for some reason you have reached a point where you can’t anymore PLEASE DO NOT abandon/leave/disown/un-own/’release’/’FREE’ your pets onto the streets. Reach out and ask for help, and speak up if you’re desperate. Use the internet if you can, call a friend maybe.

“This lil girl found me, and thank God for that. I still shudder to think of others out there just like her, with or without a ‘note’,” Lionel shares.
The very next day, Lionel shared that he found a home for the little doggy!
“We’ve found this lil girl a HOME! Yesterday’s tears and fears have brought me to squeals of joy today! My brother is taking her in after the MCO. Till then, she’s all mine!”
People who abandon their pets need to rethink their value as human beings! Luckily this little doggy was able to find a forever home.
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