Fans are a pretty common sight in most households around Malaysia, considering the fact that we all live in a tropical climate that tends to get pretty warm. While we may have air-conditoning units at home, the good old three, four, or five-blade ceiling fan is still the cheapest and most reliable way to stay cucumber cool.
However, there has always been one thing that most of us can’t get out of our minds when we look at our ceiling fans in operation: what if they fall from the ceiling and lands on me? Or worse still, what if the fan blades break?
Well, if you have ever imagined what would happen if such a nightmarish scenario came true, then we have news for you. Just recently, a Facebook netizen shared their experience of watching in wide-eyed horror as the fan blade from their ceiling fan snapped off before crashing to the ground just moments after it was switched on.

Photos of the fan which accompanied the now viral post on Facebook showed that the blade had almost cleanly separated itself from the centre of the ceiling fan, raising questions as to the quality of the plastics used to manufacture it.

What makes this all the worse is that apparently incidents like these aren’t uncommon, as other netizens chimed in with their own experiences of their fans and their fan blades breaking off while in operation too!

Whatever the case may be, we’re glad to hear that the netizen was not injured as a result of this terrible experience! Have you experienced any similar incidents like this with fans before?
Also read: Old Fan Detaching From Ceiling & Hitting Lady Is Our Final Destination Nightmare Coming True