Who knew reporting bribery cases could be so lucrative! Apparently, more than RM400,000 was given out as incentives in 2017 to eradicate corruption. A lot of money!

Source: Malaysian Times
According to Malaysiakini, this amount of money was rewarded to 267 civil servants because they did their part in blowing the whistle on corruption. Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Dzulkifli Ahmad said this move was in accordance with the circular issued by the Office of the Chief Secretary to the Government in 2011 under the “Reward and Recognition Guidelines for Civil Servants Who Report Incidences of Corruption and Graft”.
A report by The Star in January 2017 stated that the incentives given out by MACC will be equal to the amount offered in the bribe. MACC deputy chief commissioner Datuk Shamsun Bahrin Mohd Jamil said, “For example, an officer was offered a bribe of RM10,000 and he reports it to us – if the case goes through and the accused is charged, the officer would be granted a RM10,000 incentive which matches the bribe. The lowest incentive offered would be RM500.”

Source: Kini BIZ
They hope to encourage more civil servants to report graft cases as they want them to fight corruption with MACC and hopefully eradicate corruption. Dzulkifli said, “The rewards are given by MACC as an incentive because we cannot move alone, the fight against corruption requires the cooperation of all parties. I hope they can become agents and friends of the commission and continue to assist in combating corruption.”
Civil servants should also know that it is illegal not to report acts of corruption and that the incentive given is just to sweeten the deal. Under Section 25 of the MACC Act 2009, failing to report bribery cases is a criminal offence that can be punished with a fine not exceeding RM100,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 10 years, or both.
Sounds like a good plan to stop corruption or nah?
Also read: Policemen Awarded for Refusing RM1,300 Bribe, Shadily Returns to Ask for RM10,000