It’s the monsoon season and with that comes slippery roads.
Hence, what do you do when you see an old aunty having difficulty crossing said slippery road?
The Nee Soon Town Council took to their Facebook page to showcase a video of a GrabFood rider in Yishun, Singapore, as he helped an old aunty cross a road while it rained.
Today, we witnessed another kind soul who helped an old lady across the traffic junction. This is the Yishun spirit we often spoke about. One that warms our heart this rainy season. #HomeWithAHeart
Posted by Nee Soon Town Council on Friday, December 13, 2019
They wrote, “Today, we witnessed another kind soul who helped an old lady cross a traffic junction. This is the Yishun spirit we often speak about. One that warms our hearts this rainy season.”
The GrabFood rider could be seen walking his scooter as he held the old aunty’s hand while helping her cross the wet road.
Netizens have since taken to the posting to praise the rider for his random act of kindness.

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook
They say that this is the season for giving, and giving a helping hand once in a while counts as well.
Kudos to the GrabFood rider for being a shining example to the community!