Sensitivities are always important, especially when it comes to respecting the dead and the feelings of the people whom they left behind.
Just recently, a couple of videos went viral on Facebook after it was initially shared in the group on9仔女同盟會 (on9限定) 3.0. The video shows a youth in Hong Kong disrespecting the dead by insulting and mocking them right in front of their graves.
“Go die,” the man said, as if a person can die twice.

As if his curses and vulgarities are not bad enough, he also had the audacity to touch the stuff around in a rude manner. Unfortunately, his insult did not stop with the deceased. Not far from the graves, the man spent some time mocking the mini sculptures of the gods and deities.
What he said to the sculptures was not only rude but also insensitive towards others’ cultures and beliefs.
“I only trust Jesus, I don’t trust rubbish!”

He found a picture of an old man hidden around the sculptures, believed to be deceased. As expected, he mocked the old man and asked him stay there with the gods before putting the frame back.
It is unknown why the young man resorted to such an unorthodox method but regardless, there will never be a right reason to do so.
In the comment sections, many netizens did not sit well with the young man’s attitude, and some reminded him about punishment and consequences.
Regardless of what we do, respect is always important and we should always be mindful of the sensitivities.
Also read: M’sian Resigns on Confirmation Day After Boss Yells Vulgarities at Her Every Day for 3 Months