Lately, there have been an increasing amount of instances that are causing Malaysians to have their guard up in public.
From robberies to scams, people have to be extra vigilant with their safety.
The MALAYSIA MOST VIRAL Twitter page recently shared a video of a foreigner attempting to open someone’s parked car door in Banting. What makes this worse is that they speculated that the foreigner is a man disguised as a woman.

They wrote, “So scary. What is this foreigner doing holding onto the car door for a long time like that. If you noticed, the person’s face and hand look like a man, and it looks like there’s something at their chest area.”
“They didn’t realise that there’s someone in the car as it’s windows are tinted. This happened in Banting.”
In the video, the foreigner could be seen holding onto a parked car’s door handle and they even attempted to open the door, all while staring at the car’s tinted window.
Soon after, the foreigner just walks away.

And true enough, the foreigner does indeed look like they could be a man dressed as a woman.
While the foreigner’s intentions are unknown, many believe that it was an attempted robbery.
We genuinely hope everyone remembers to lock their car doors to prevent unwanted things from happening.
You can check out the video here:
Seram wei.. rohingya tu buat apa pegang pintu kereta lama lama. Kalau perasan muka dengan tangan dia macam lelaki pastu kat dada macam mcm ada something.
Dia tak perasan dalam kereta ada orang sbb cermin tinted. Lokasi Banting
What do you think about this? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.
Also read: M’sian Warns Girls to Beware of Men Hiding by Parked Cars at Shah Alam & Attaching Nails to Bumpers