Late last week, Malaysians were outraged as an elderly man was apparently assaulted by a Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) dog catcher after the former tried to protect stray dogs from the latter. It was initially believed that the dogs belonged to the elderly man, but later revealed to be strays that the man was protecting.
Well, be prepared to be more outraged.
According to a report by Sinar Harian, the elderly man in question will be charged in court tomorrow (March 31). BFM News also shared that the MBPJ staff member who behaved violently will apparently face no consequences for his actions.

The elderly man will be facing a charge of obstructing MBPJ enforcers from carrying out their duties during the operation to catch stray dogs, at the Petaling Jaya Court.
Petaling Jaya District Police Chief, Assistant Commissioner Mohamad Fakhrudin Abdul Hamid shared that the investigation papers related to this case had been referred to the Deputy Public Prosecutor.

“We have received instructions to charge the man under Section 186 of the Penal Code for the offense of obstructing a public servant,” he said, adding that the operation team failed to carry out the task of catching stray dogs because the elderly man had prevented it.
During the operation, the elderly man had allowed the strays into his premises and tried to close the gate on the enforcers, leading to a struggle between the 2 sides and the enforcer’s act of violence.
What do you think of how this incident is being handled? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.
Also read: “We Salute You” – Malay Girls Praised For Taking Shelter Dogs On Walk