Here’s your daily boba news if you haven’t heard enough of it yet.
Someone died while enjoying a cup of boba in China. Yes, you read that right.

Source: Thrillist
A 19-year-old girl purchased a cup of boba (like how all of us would) with her brother on 30 June and made their way to a friend’s house.
However, just when they arrived, the girl started to experience breathing difficulties. Her hands even began turning black, signifying a lack of oxygen.
She passed out while being transported to the hospital, and the doctor even performed CPR after they arrived hoping she could survive. But unfortunately, she didn’t make it.
It was reported that she struggled to suck up a few tapioca pearls. And suddenly, with too much force being used, three pearls shot up into her trachea, blocking her airway and causing her to choke.
According to See Hua Daily, a single large tapioca pearl can block up the entire airway and cause death. And it’s recommended for the elderly and children to drink their boba using a cup instead of straw to lower the chances of choking.
It sounds horrifying because we’ve all experienced something similar. We’re just lucky that nothing bad happened to us yet.?So, watch out, guys. We know you love the chewy goodness but be careful when the pearls are stuck in the straw.
Suck responsibly.
Also read: The Internet Can’t Brain This Chatime Employee’s Drink That’s Filled With 99% Boba