When it comes to money, everyone would try to make every penny count when spending it. While spending on things you love can bring joy, it’s also important to make sure that you’re spending within your means and not stretch yourself out too thin.
Just recently, a Chinese woman has shared her story after finishing up her monthly allowance given by her husband IN A DAY. In her post, she proudly exclaimed that her husband gives her $10,000RMB (RM6,000) a month for their monthly expenses and she finished it in a day.
“My husband got mad at me when he found out and thinks I spent the money recklessly, but I don’t think I did anything wrong”, she said.
She then listed down exactly what she used the money for and here’s what she gathered:
- $1,000RMB (RM600) on clothes for her daughter as the weather was too cold
- $300RMB (RM189) on gas
- $500RMB (RM300) on an Estee Lauder foundation
- $200RMB (RM126) on some clothes for her husband
- $5,000RMB (RM3,000) on a facial package that covers her facial treatments for a year
- $2,000RMB (RM1,200) on a part time cleaner to help her with house chores
- $1,000RMB (RM600) on parking maintenance fee for 3 months
She shared that she has a wedding that she needs to attend and because her salary has yet to come through, she asked her husband for some money. When she approached her husband, she said that her husband was angry and said that she had spent recklessly as the allowance given to her was for their family’s MONTHLY expenses.
“He said that I spent it recklessly, but I don’t think so, the facial package covers for my facial treatments for a whole year, and they would also gift me up to $3,000RMB (RM1,900) worth of facial products”, she added.
She then ended the post saying that she doesn’t think spending $5,000RMB (RM3,000) on a year’s worth of facial is a lot as she thinks the money is going towards her ‘taking care’ of herself.
Watch the video below:
If you’re given RM6,000 a month how do you think you’ll use it? Let us know in the comments below!
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