Transport Minister Anthony Loke announced that Road Transport Department (JPJ) officers will start using body cameras to improve transparency during enforcement.
“With body cameras, they’ll be protected”
BERNAMA reported that Loke said using body cameras for JPJ officers in the field could make enforcement more effective, especially when dealing with heavy vehicles.
He mentioned that body cameras aren’t just about keeping JPJ’s image and integrity in check but also about protecting the officers themselves.
Loke also shared that JPJ Director-General Datuk Aedy Fadly Ramli had earlier suggested equipping officers with body cameras to ensure top-notch standards of safety, integrity, and professionalism for those on duty.
“Sometimes JPJ officers face criticism, insults, and all sorts of accusations. With body cameras, they’ll be protected because everything that happens during enforcement can be recorded,” he said.
“We’re in discussion to secure the funding for body cameras”
Earlier, JPJ Deputy Director-General (Planning and Operations), Datuk Jazmanie Shafawi, said body cameras for enforcement officers could help improve the team’s integrity and avoid misunderstandings that often pop up during enforcement.
Loke also mentioned that he has instructed the Ministry of Transport’s management to engage and discuss with the Ministry of Finance regarding the procurement of body cameras.
“We’re in discussions to secure the funding so we can get these body cameras as soon as possible. I’m hoping JPJ officers will have them by the end of the year,” he said.
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