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15yo Sarawakian Marries 17yo Bride, Pays for Own Wedding Because He Didn’t Want to Rely on Family


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Source: Harian Metro

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Get married when you’re ready, not when you feel like it. A couple in Sarawak knew they were ready to tie the knot, but something about the pair caught the attention of many.

The groom got married at 15 years old, while his bride was 17. Teen marriage is RARE in Malaysia, but the parents of both parties blessed and agreed to the marriage, and the couple was officially married on May 10 last year.

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Nabil met his wife, Dayangku, at a motorcycle event in 2022. They share a similar interest – motorcycles, and that was when they started exchanging numbers.

Since then, Nabil and Dayangku have spent a lot of time together, but the man felt it was not a good idea to go out alone with her too often. Hence, he decided to marry her and make her his wife.

How did Nabil manage to brace through the wedding and the marriage, financially?

Speaking to Harian Metro, Nabil revealed that he ditched studying when he was in Form 2 and started working as a mechanic at his brother-in-law’s workshop. The best part, however, is that Nabil financially supported his wedding with the money he managed to save.

“It was the money from my part-time jobs as a car washer and car repo. It was my wedding, that’s why I didn’t want to rely on anyone else but me for my wedding.”

Nabil also said that his mum had only allowed the wedding when she knew how serious her son was about the marriage.

“My mum did ask if I was serious because marriage is no joke. She eventually allowed when she saw my effort.”

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The pair is also blessed with a son. He admitted that they had only planned for a baby a year after the wedding, but fate always has surprises in store for everyone.

“2 months after the wedding, my wife got pregnant. Some people said it’s no fun marrying early but it is to me, and it’s even more fun with my wife and kid.”


It’s not easy to tie the knot and start a family at their age. Regardless, we wish Nabil and Dayangku nothing but the best.


Also read: M’sian Actress Says She’s Ready to be The 2nd Wife as Long as Everyone Agrees With The Marriage

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Source: Harian Metro
Source: Harian Metro

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