Policemen are meant to serve the law as well as uphold it, ensuring that everybody else follows in line. But surprising as it may be, there are bad apples in every basket, even in the police force!
In a report by China Press, five police officers from within PDRM (The Royal Malaysian Police Force) have been arrested in Subang after they tested positive for drug use.

Source: Berita Harian; Images used are for illustration purposes only.
The police officers were all members of the PGU (Royal Malaysian Police Air Wing Unit), which is a special branch of the Malaysian police force tasked to operate surveillance in the air. According to the report, 4 of the policemen arrested tested positive for methamphetamine and amphetamine in their urine samples, while 1 tested positive for ‘ice’ aka crystal methamphetamine.
It has also been said that two of the policemen arrested were police corporals from within the unit!
The arrest was reportedly carried out by Bukit Aman, and that 0.5 grams of crystal methamphetamine and various other drug paraphernalia were found at the scene.

Source: Free Malaysia Today
The police officers who were arrested will be detained as investigations continue. These arrests follow after PDRM launched Ops Blue Devil on 13th August 2019, in an effort to stamp out drug use from within the police force. Members of the local police were ordered to submit a urine test to ensure that they were clean.
Over 142 members of the police force have been identified as drug-users since the operation started, according to Bernama.
We hope that the police will continue their efforts into their investigations of drug use within their ranks.
Also read: 19 PDRM Officers Arrested in KL Entertainment Outlet Raid, 8 Tested Positive for Drugs