Cockroaches are disgusting and filthy creatures that invade your home uninvited and make nests in the nooks and crannies of your room. If, however, you don’t have a problem with these pests, you’re weird you might want to think again.
A woman shared on Facebook a picture of her hand covered in fairly deep wounds that look like painful bite marks. That’s because she had been bitten by a cockroach while she was sleeping! Omg, cockroaches can bite humans?
According to Ettoday, the woman had taken sleeping pills before she slept that night and did not feel the cockroach biting her. The next morning, she woke up and found that her right hand was just full of bite marks that look really painful.

Source: ettoday
Strangely, she found out that she was the only one in her family who got bitten by the cockroach and wondered why. When she went to the doctor to get treated, the doctor told her that her hand most likely had food substances on it.
But while cockroaches are omnivores and will consume any organic food and prefer to feed on sweets, meats and starches, according to Orkin, cockroaches can also be attracted to unhygienic and dirty places.
The woman was then told that the cockroach bit her because of her personal hygiene.

Source: Forbes
So, yes, cockroaches can bite humans. While they do not feed on blood and don’t bite out of defence, they can bite humans – both living and dead – if they are hungry enough.
Cockroach bites are also most likely to happen when you’re sleeping.
Ouch! That looks really painful and to think it was a cockroach that bit the woman makes it even worse! If you find your home is infested with pests like cockroach, please hire pest control services to get rid of them!
Also read: Man Had a Family of 10 COCKROACHES Living In Right Ear Due To Lack Of Personal Hygiene