Losing weight is a goal that many people strive to achieve but this should always be done in a healthy manner. However, a lot of people want to do it the easy way by popping a few weight loss drugs, which is why these products are so popular with consumers.
If you are one of these people then please, do your research before buying any of these weight loss products! This is because not long ago, four consumers have died after consuming a famous weight loss drug under the brand name “Lyn” in Thailand. OMG!
Based on a report by Oriental Daily, it was said that the products are unsafe for consumption as it contains harmful substances that can cause severe side effects. These substances are Bisacodyl and Sibutramine, which have been banned since 1977.
Sibutramine is an appetite suppressant while Bisadodyl is a type of laxative and both of them can be detrimental to the heart and blood veins. Sibutramine has been said to increase blood pressure, accelerate heartbeat and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
What’s worse is that, Thai authorities have discovered that Lyn has been marking up their prices really high. The cost per box of the product is only 55 baht (RM6.80), but it’s being sold to consumers at the price of 580 baht (RM72). That’s more than 10 times the cost price! From November 2017 until March 2018, Lyn had produced more than 1.8 million boxes of diet pills, making the current total sales more than 1 billion baht (RM124 million).
Police are cracking down on cases of unlicensed and substandard cosmetics and supplements, and Lyn is not the first item to get banned. Marry Peaw and Magic Skin have previously already suffered the same crackdown as Thai authorities have blacklisted them for not having appropriate licenses.
Remember, check out the products and do heavy research before making a purchase and putting those things in your body! Or perhaps, try out some good ol’ exercise to lose weight!
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