Online shopping is easy and convenient, but not so when you have no guarantee that the products will come as they are shown in pictures.
One man from Thailand shared his experience of online shopping gone wrong when he used an online shopping platform and received an entirely different package from what he thought he ordered!
He had ordered what was supposed to be an iPhone 7, but what was delivered to him was an adult-sized desk designed to look like a giant iPhone, reported Oriental Daily.

He suspects that he did not check the details of the item before purchasing it and was wondering why the shipping cost was so expensive. Little did he know, he was paying for a table to be delivered, instead of a mobile phone.
Apparently, there is such an item that exists.
10×10 Korea has launched an iPhone desk with a SIM card slot drawer that looks like the real deal. It has the features of a real iPhone with a black glass screen, white casing, and home button.

The item is available on 10×10 Korea for 310,000 won (RM1,129).
If you know any die-hard Apple fans, tag them in the comments below!
Also read: Thai Man Buys Tent During 11.11 Sale But Ends Up With Tiny One That Can Only Fit His Head