As the festive season approaches, 6IXTY8IGHT is proud to announce the launch of its latest collection, the Ohlala Raya Curated Collection. With a focus on empowering...
A rather peculiar incident happened in Vietnam recently involving a retail store and one of its unidentified patrons that had netizens amused and baffled. This was...
A trait passed down from generation to generation, most Malaysians are thrifty as heck and always think thrice before buying anything, especially when it comes to...
When we think face masks, we probably think of a few designs, but ones that share a similar basis between one another: a protective layer with...
Underwear thief! Yes, you read that right. A man from Bandar Country Homes, Rawang was caught by the police after he was captured on security cameras...
OMG! How desperate can one get? Or is it a genius thing to act weirdly? According to The Star, a top university’s nanotech professor in Tokyo,...
the police are supposed to protect the people, so we’re unsettled (and amused) when a Malaysian cop was caught stealing. A 28-year-old officer was arrested for...
As a girl, we are often concerned about many aspects of our appearance. Do I look fat in this dress? One of these includes the appearance...
Nowadays, scams come in many different forms. Con artists are coming up with creative ways to trick the unsuspected victims of everyday people. Well, one particular...