Now this is the kind of respect and compassion we’d like to see more of amongst Malaysians! Recently, a Twitter netizen shared her experience of publicly...
Hari Raya is just around the corner and this woman proves that it’s an occasion that all of us can appreciate together! Facebook user Rizal Imran recently...
After a video that went viral showing a statue of Datuk Kong (a local guardian spirit worshipped in Malaysia, Singapore and parts of Indonesia) placed in...
Now, this is the true essence of Malaysia – unity and harmony, regardless of race or religion. Metro reported that a Gurdwara in Ipoh opened its...
It is very unfortunate that we have been hearing so many cases of rape and sexual assault recently with so many young children being victims of...
Public facilities have the word ‘public’ for a reason – its meant for public use, duh! As rational human beings, it is our responsibility and duty to ensure...
Although the Penang floods have caused a lot of hardships for Penangites, it has also brought out the best in Malaysians, who are doing their best...
In the past few days, Penangnites have witnessed one of the worst floods in history as more than 30 areas were inundated. Amid this unforgiving flood,...