Despite enduring hardships unlike others, there are unfortunate people in the world who would rather help others than themselves. For instance, three young siblings in Batu...
Men, women, and families are now separated from sitting together in TGV Terengganu’s cinema halls according to a guideline that took effect yesterday (3 September). TGV...
As the world moves into about half a year of dealing with this pandemic, many places are beginning to adapt and settle into what could very...
The most we can do to help our medical professionals during the Covid-19 outbreak is to stay at home and avoid going out to crowded locations...
The Deputy Health Minister, Dr Lee Boon Chye has informed that eight Chinese nationals who were travelling in Singapore together with the man who had been...
Kids are meant to enjoy their childhoods. Hence, after school, they have free time to do things that will eventually mold them into individuals when they...
Super glue is amazing. But what’s not amazing about it is when you accidentally glue something you did not want glued. So what would you...
It’s never easy to part with someone you love but when it happens between two people who love each other deeply and are preparing to get...
Featured image is for illustration purposes only Studying in college or university is arguably one of the most fun times we will ever experience in our...