Rabies is a vaccine-preventable viral disease which occurs worldwide. Dogs are sadly the main source of human-related rabies deaths, contributing up to 99% of all rabies...
Most of the time when you think of protecting your home from thieves, you lock your cars and install security systems in your houses. But with...
For those of you who had protective parents growing up, you’d be familiar with the dreaded feeling of attending a parent teacher’s meeting where your teachers...
Dogs are our pets, cats are our masters. #fact They can be divas but we love them to bits. Cats are mysterious creatures that can annoy...
When kids aren’t disciplined by their parents, disastrous things can happen. Just like the time a three-year-old kid burned a hole in her parents’ wallets when...
We’re generally considered to be legal adults once we reached the age of 18 but for this Chinese man in the Jiangxi city of Shangrao, he’s...
Having a pet is FUN! To pour your love into an adorable furball (applicable to cats, dogs and hamsters) and have it reciprocate without saying a...
All Malaysian drivers know how horrible people can be on the roads when they’re trying to get from one destination to the next. Sometimes we even...
Mosquito bites are irritating and annoying but generally, it’s quite a normal occurrence. However, this 67-year-old man almost died after a perfectly normal mosquito bite went...
When we visit the zoo, it’s unlikely that we will be able to come into close proximity with the animals, yet alone touch them. However, a...
Oh no, this does not look good! An athlete from Shrewsbury, Shropshire in England went blind after his contact lenses caused him to develop an infection...
Animal abuse is really getting out of hand, with so many individuals carrying out heartless and cruel acts on poor innocent creatures. How is it that...
It’s pretty common to get insect bites but most of us would just ignore them as they usually heal pretty fast on their own. However, we...
The scary thing about domestic violence is that you never know when it could happen, or who it may happen to. Despite numerous organisations taking the...
With the recent national statistics indicating that Malaysian males have now outnumbered females by 1 million, it seems there’s more competition for us guys to find...
Having an itch that you can’t scratch is understandably annoying and we would try all sorts of ways just to be able to reach it. However,...