Some of us are blessed with great neighbours who would help us whenever necessary. However, the chances of getting a great neighbour is often as slim...
Over the years, we’ve seen Proton Sagas popping up in all kinds of places including multiple times in the UK, from the ‘Festival of the Unexceptional‘...
Retrieving your missing phone after losing it in public can be tough unless a good samaritan goes through all the trouble to return the device to...
Most of the time, we try to move on after accidentally throwing away our belongings that were not meant to be disposed of. We can rarely...
Recently, the t-shirt of a man living on a higher floor of a condominium in Hangzhou, China was blown downstairs onto a slab of a lower...
All education certificates are important documents that should be kept somewhere safe as it is a crucial document that is needed when applying for a job...
Last night, the Semenyih police 4 PGA Batallion managed to detain an Indonesian man and woman at Kampung Sawah, Banting, Selangor yesterday, as they attempted to...
Some of the most hazardous items for babies are small objects as they like to put them in their mouth. This can lead to the babies...
Aww, this is so cute! According to AsiaOne, a tearful 6-year-old boy was found at a hospital when he rushed to bring a dead chick there...
As technology is becoming part of our lives (or it already is), most of us cannot imagining going a day without it. So, how far are...