With the concern revolving around nearly RM1 million worth of MARA loan, Malaysian actress Rozita Che Wan has a lot on her plate now, but in...
Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) chairman Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki has urged Malaysian celebrity Rozita Che Wan to meet with the agency and discuss the repayment of...
After Budget 2023 was announced, it was stated that PTPTN borrowers can get a 20 per cent discount for PTPTN loan repayment, but nothing was clearly...
Scammers sometimes come up with tactics to gain the “empathy” of their victims, but that does not mean intimidation does not come into play to frighten...
PTPTN loan repayment is one of the commitments that some working class has to worry about every month. In today’s Budget 2023 presentation, the Ministry of...
A Thai woman was assaulted with a durian peel after she had failed to make repayments to the loan shark in which she had borrowed money...
While it is understandable that times are tough and budgets may be extremely tight, the one thing you should never resort to, besides crime, are loan...
In his live announcement today, Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced the introduction of the PEMERKASA + programme that is worth RM40billion for the country....
Buying a house is the ultimate goal for the average millennial. Most of us have an idea of what we want our house to look like...
In case you forgot, our Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhiyiddin Yassin had a special announcement today. No, it wasn’t about the Recovery Movement Control Order but...
Amid the Covid-19 crisis and Movement Control Order, our newly appointed Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has recognised the struggles of our fellow Malaysians. In...
What’s a loan? A loan is a sum of money that’s borrowed for certain purposes and is RETURNED. It’s a simple concept yet many fail to...
What’s a loan ? A loan is a sum of money that’s borrowed for certain purposes and is RETURNED. It’s a simple concept. We all know...
Great news for all PTPTN borrowers! The National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) will now allow borrowers earning less than RM4,000 a month to defer their study...
As much as fresh graduates often complain about paying back their PTPTN loans, most would still commit to it and pay their installments on time. However,...
These days, many places are preferring to go cashless and with the emergence of digital wallets, apps and the debit or credit cards we have, it’s...