Following the gruesome deaths of cats in Universiti Malaya (UM) found in mutilated states, this group of local activists took it upon themselves to rescue strays...
The real-life Martha from the trending Netflix series, Baby Reindeer wanted to set the record straight, and she sought the space of Pierce Morgan’s talk show...
Advancement in information technology has contributed to growing public interest and awareness regarding mental health. While increased mental health literacy can benefit the community, this phenomenon...
Taking place in Bandar Indah, Sandakan, Sabah, a disgruntled ex-fiance, made the most illogical decision to smash his ex’s Perodua Myvi in a video that went...
Day after day we read countless stories of animal abuse that’s gut-wrenching and bring tears to our eyes but does it stop? We see and react...
In this day and age, a child’s safety goes beyond making sure he or she is safe from injuries and accidents. The child also needs to...
As girls, we’ve had to go through the physical pain and suffering of our periods ever since puberty, and to be honest, we’re just about done...
We always wonder what goes on in the minds of perverts, stalkers, and sex offenders which motivate them to carry their heinous acts. We are sorry...
Malaysians always have something to comment about others, but most of the time these words are just plain ignorant and dumb. We are kepoh people after...
In Taiwan, a man was arrested for setting his 17-year-old ex-girlfriend on fire. What baffled us most was that the sick man was laughing away while...
We all know how “love” conquers all; how it can easily cloud our sense of judgments and sometimes do stupid things. BUT in this case, “love”...
One of the latest viral videos that have surfaced on the internet will test your gag reflexes. The said video was from a security camera positioned at...
It is hard enough to talk about a barbaric act that defiles such a young soul, but to literally rip her heart out; I would be amongst the...
It was not too long ago when young rising star, Christina Grimmie and her sensational voice was first noticed on YouTube and shortly after rose to...
It’s crazy to think that there are psychos in the world and Fadley Mezah happens to be one of them. The man from Banting, who currently resides in...
Tinder’s never an app short of a few crazy stories to tell. The dating app has had a few interesting yet somewhat insane experiences such as...