If you have borrowed money from someone, regardless of the amount and who they are, be sure to return it as soon as you can. If...
A video showing a man being forcefully pulled out of his car went viral on social media recently, which led to many speculations and “theories” among...
Gone are the days when you are bombarded with questionable messages inviting you to get easy loans from ‘certified’ money lenders. Now, loan sharks operate differently...
As desperate as one can be when it comes to financial hardship, borrowing money from loan sharks is always NOT an option, or at the very...
Loan sharks in Batu Pahat, Johor, had allegedly set fire to the wrong house, causing a 38-year-old woman and her teenage sons to have to seek...
Ah Longs are terrible towards the people who owe them money, but what happens when their collectors can’t find the borrower? Unfortunately in this case, an...
With the pandemic and the flood crisis happening at the same time, the financial burden is one of the inevitable hardships that some of us have...
No matter how tough times can get, we must always remember to never borrow money from loan sharks, may they be via physical posters and numbers...
We know that the Covid-19 pandemic had hit poor families in Malaysia a little harder than others, but now we’re finding out to what extent. A...
Our parents used to tell us to never resort to loan sharks when we’re completely out of luck, and for good reason too, because it’s no...
Last Monday, a 29-year-old Kuantan engineer lodged a report against a loan company for blackmail, causing her to lose a total of RM17,985 within the span...
A woman in Kuantan lost RM36.8k to scammers when she saw an online ad for a monetary loan. She first became interested in the monetary loan...
A 26-year-old Malaysian woman committed suicide yesterday afternoon (16th December) at 12pm by jumping off a shopping mall building in Klang. According to China Press, Khoo,...
It’s no joke when you’re advised to never resort to loan sharks when your cash flow is low because with loan sharks, even your curiosity can...
Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead. Two women were reportedly arrested in Kepala Batas, Penang for staging a robbery in attempt...
They say desperate times call for desperate measures, but that doesn’t mean that when you’re broke, you should settle for going to a loan shark. I...