Lady Gaga is an iconic artist who remains memorable even when she is not actively making music or films. Her 8-show Las Vegas residency started on...
The DC movie, Joker which was released back in 2019 received critical acclaim, particularly on the plot’s direction and the brilliant performance of Joaquin Phoenix as...
Dalai Lama’s viral “suck my tongue” video recently went viral all over the world and had a lot of people stunned. He has since apologised via...
Disclaimer: We have absolutely NOTHING against the music that is being made now, but it’s pretty much an indisputable fact that the golden era for music...
Since the trailer was released, movie fanatics were looking forward to seeing the unlikely duo – Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper – in A Star Is Born....
If you’re a avid fashionista, the name Dato’ Sri Bernard Chandran would surely ring a bell. For those unfamiliar with the local fashion industry, here’s a quick...
It’s absolutely mind-blowing how talented some people can be! Filipinos are sure to be familiar with Paolo Ballesteros, a noted actor, television host and makeup artist...