In a heartwarming display of cultural integration and adorable cuteness, a Japanese woman named Iori, married to a Malaysian man, Faris, captured the hearts of locals...
A charming grandfather who made waves on Douyin with his funky dance moves has tickled many netizens’ hearts. You could spot him in his signature glasses,...
There are a wide array of items that have been sold for seemingly ridiculous amounts at auctions. Notable examples include items such as a jar of...
Remember that phase some of us had back in the day when vampire boyfriends were a THING? The fact that this cat might just be a...
Many have come across videos of foreigners adopting local Malaysian accents when visiting the country. But what about Malaysians adopting mat salleh accents? Usually, these people...
For many students, principals in schools are often seen as scary figures. However, it seems like these students in China are having quality time with their...