As we know, the Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia serves to protect the citizens from fire in terms of prevention as well as extinguishing any...
“The fact that women have to carry this around shows how unsafe the world around us is. This self defence kit could potentially save countless lives...
What a way for these abang bomba to start off the new year! On the very first day of the new year (1 January), firefighters had...
In unfortunate news, a 68-year-old tree cutter from Rembau, Negeri Sembilan passed away suddenly when he was on top of a 30-metre tall bidara tree at...
Being a salesperson is not easy as you have to meet certain targets so it’s natural that every salesperson would want to chase after every lead...
When God created man, he probably should have created their testicles firmly attached to their bodies. Through much hilarious and amusing news of balls getting stuck...