In a world where social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, this digital era has brought upon the rise of social media...
After a roller-coaster saga that had spanned almost an entire week for S. Pavithra and M. Sugu’s family, the Malaysian YouTube cooking sensation has apparently announced...
Egg fried rice is probably one of the dishes that most Asians know how to cook. To see it being made in such a different and...
Adored by Malaysians all across the country, Sugu Pavithra star Ms S. Pavithra has continued to prove that a pared down and humble approach to creating...
Sony Playstation needs no further introduction, having being the undisputed king of CD-based gaming consoles since its introduction in Japan during the mid-90s. With the highly...
Many of our Asian parents would frown at the thought of their kid going into the gaming industry, that’s why Pinda Rika Dorji aka @pindapanda is...
If you’ve seen Zachking‘s videos before, then you should definitely visit Mohamad Sofyan a.k.a Sofyank96’s Instagram as well. Ever since he collaborated with Zach King in...