Despite enduring hardships unlike others, there are unfortunate people in the world who would rather help others than themselves. For instance, three young siblings in Batu...
Planning your next trip to Singapore with a visit to Universal Studios and Marina Bay Sands? Well, there’s a new attraction you can add onto that...
We were just saying how finding your true love or soulmate can be a rare occurrence, but in order to find ‘the one’, you’ll have to...
The good karma keeps rolling in this Ramadan as a Shell station operator who had planned on donating his family’s clothes ended up running an entire...
Now here’s an inspiring story that will warm your hearts, and perhaps even motivate you to go out there and do something good today! A 23-year-old...
Many of us cannot function well without a cup of coffee everyday and while there are so many coffee joints around, Starbucks is undoubtedly one of...