In a recent video shared by @rossneeda, she voiced her concerns after encountering an incident during her visit to an immigration office at 10am on August...
A couple of weeks ago, Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) announced that they were organising a march today (May 1) to call for the government to increase...
To prevent MPs from misbehaving in the future during parliamentary sessions, it has been reported that the Dewan Rakyat is considering increasing fines for unparliamentary behaviour...
The intimacy between couples is often romantic and sweet, but not when it’s taken too far especially when you’re in public. A pair of students in...
The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) has arrested a man after he was spotted naked on the balcony of a hotel room in Semporna, Sabah, last Tuesday...
When it is the Raya season, children often expect to receive duit raya from their family members and people they know. However, it appears as if...
The viral couple in JB recently made headlines after they were caught behaving indecently in a car at an empty parking space. The pair was brought...
It’s scary to think about what the youth is exposed to out there. Recently, 2 youth sealed their fate when they were caught having sex in...
Although we’re all allowed to let loose and have some fun sometimes, we should never cause an inconvenience to others with the things that we do....
Some companies do allow employees to dress casually at work, but there is, of course, a limitation when it comes to how casual you can be....
A father is alleging that the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) had racial profiled his son and his group of friends after they were heading to their...
In various amendments to its regulations, the Terengganu state government appears to be fortify the implementation of Syariah law in the state. They recently banned barbershops...
During the Covid-19 outbreak, we learned about herd immunity. But, have you heard of herd mentality? A video from Inner Mongolia, China, has been going viral...
Concerts are a place for people to let loose and have fun. However, due to their nature, some considerations should be taken when organising a concert...
It’s no secret that Malaysia is riddled with Mat Rempits, motorcyclists who race and perform dangerous stunts on public roads that can endanger the lives of...
If the Generation End Game Bill is implemented thoughtfully, it could have a profound impact on the future generations of Malaysians. However, this will require the...