The trailer for the upcoming local horror flick, Pulau has opened the doors to many criticisms even before the actual movie is released. A local preacher has since voiced out against the release of the film due to the steamy scenes shown in the trailer, and many users also made it clear that they’re not a fan of the trailer.
Amidst the “chaos”, the producer of the film, Fred Chong has broken the silence and denied all allegations that claim they are using the steamy scenes to market the film.

“We’re promoting the beauty of the local islands“
Fred urged the local audience to NOT judge a film by its trailer, as the teaser that was recently released online has only shown 1% of the film.
“Watch the movie first before you criticise.”
In response to the steamy scenes, Fred assured the people that the production team has no intention to upset anyone or touch the sensitivity of any cultures, and said that the film intends to promote the beauty of the islands in Malaysia.
“We’re not selling the steamy scenes as claimed by some people,” Fred added.
He also admitted that some scenes have been removed from the final cut of the film because the Film Censorship Board (LPF) deemed them inappropriate for local audiences. The censorship work was done last year, reported Berita Harian.
But what about the women in bikinis?
The attire of some of the female cast also does not sit well with many viewers. Fred, however, justified the outfit.
“It’s normal for the beach visitors to wear bikinis. The attires of the female cast in Pulau is suitable with the location, which is on an island.”

Fred said that he selected multiracial cast members according to the suitability of the characters and the scene.
As a filmmaker, Fred added that he always does his best to adhere to the filmmaking laws in Malaysia. Pulau, which is slated for a release on March 9, may also hit the foreign markets, as revealed by Fred who said that they have plans to release the film internationally.

Fellow movie enthusiasts, will you be watching Pulau when the movie hits the theatres in Malaysia? Do you agree with Fred’s take on this?
Also read: Preacher Wants Upcoming Pui Yi Starrer Horror Flick, Pulau, be Filtered or Banned