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Pregnant M’sian Woman Condemns Husband’s Gen Z Cousin for Living Off of Them “like a parasite”


My Post 1 2024 06 24T144846.522
Source: 123RF & 123RF

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It appears that more and more people are calling out Gen Zs these days.

A pregnant Malaysian woman living in Johor is now sharing her grief after taking in her husband’s Gen Z cousin, as she did not expect to have to take care of a grown child on top of preparing for her own baby on the way!

Taking to the XUAN Play Facebook page, she anonymously confessed her confusion over the Gen Z cousin’s lack of concern over finding a job.

Gen Z 1

This image is for illustration purposes only.

She wrote, “I really don’t understand the post-2000’s generation. My husband’s cousin is a post-2000’s kid and said he wants to work in Singapore. Since my husband also works in Singapore, his father (my husband’s uncle) threw his son to us unceremoniously.

“My husband and I rent a condo in Johor Bahru. My husband commutes between Johor Bahru and Singapore every day. It’s hard work. From the beginning, it was my husband and his brother who helped the cousin to find a job, but he himself didn’t take any action. He resigned and came to live in our house without telling my husband.”

The husband agreed to let the cousin live with them temporarily, until the cousin could find a job and move to Singapore.


Though, it appears that the cousin could care less about his job search. 

“From the first day that he moved in, he slept until 3 or 4 o’clock in the afternoon, every day. I’m taking care of his 3 meals a day because I am pregnant and am not working outside for the time being. Every day when he wakes up, he doesn’t go out and will wait for me to prepare things for him.”

“I also cook dinner by myself and will wait for my husband to come home so that we can eat together. After dinner, the cousin will play games and watch anime on his Nintendo until midnight. He has not looked for a job online or a place for himself to stay, and is relying on my husband and his brother to help him,” she explained.

Gen Z 2

This image is for illustration purposes only.

Having been in Johor Bahru for days, the cousin hasn’t spent a single cent and is fully relying on them for food, clothing, housing and transportation.

“And he doesn’t feel embarrassed. The air conditioner is also turned on from 10pm to 4pm the next day, he’ll get up and then go back to the room to play games after eating.”

“I don’t know if he is here for a vacation or to find a job.”


The pregnant woman went on to compare the cousin, who is a grown man in his 20s, to a parasite.

A man in his 20s actually wants a pregnant woman to take care of him like a baby, and he has no shame at all. I just want to ask, how think-skinned does a person have to be to live in someone’s house for free, like a parasite. It’s hard for my husband to be caught in the middle.”

“His uncle will always blackmail him morally, and we can’t drive his cousin out. He has poor grades, his English isn’t good, he can’t even write a resume, he can’t talk and he is afraid of interviews. He doesn’t even know the most basic way to find an interview location by himself and my husband takes him like a baby,” she added.

She ultimately believes that Gen Zs should just stay at home with their mums and avoid leaving their homes as it will cause trouble for others.


We genuinely do feel for the pregnant woman as it must be hard to be pregnant while also having to take care of a grown man both physically and financially. We hope that her husband finds a solution to this problem soon!

What would you do if you were in the pregnant woman’s shoes? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: M’sian Boss Scolds Gen Z Staff at Work, Gets Scolded in Return by the Staff’s Mum!

My Post 1 2024 06 18T150356.650

Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF

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