Virtual reality technology has endless applications and the latest one involves turning sexual fantasies into virtual realities.
Calm down guys and continue reading.
A small virtual reality event in Tokyo’s Akihabara district received overwhelming response from the public forcing the organizer to call it off midway through, reported Japan Times. The unexpected crowd was driven by the fact that the event was a VR-based porn demonstration. You guys are definitely keeping it real man!
Experts from the industry said that VR’s potential is limitless because it enables virtual sex to be done either with a digital character or a real person from different locations. Good news for couples who are committing in a long-distance relationship.
This technology is also beneficial for people who have abnormal sexual fantasies because fulfilling those sexual desires may pose danger to the person in real life. If you are a weirdo who likes to do things differently, do it through VR.
“VR is the best way to satisfy their sexual needs,” said the president of adult video maker VRG, Yoshida.
However, there are still a few weaknesses that’s needed to be overcome in order to obtain high-quality virtual sex such as the lack of physical sensation.
Several Japanese firms are already riding on this trend. For instance, group has started offering VR and 360-degree porn videos on 10 November. As of Monday, the website already has 146 porn videos fitted with VR technology ready for download. These VR porn videos can be viewed through smartphones simply by sliding smartphones into the VR goggles.
Aside from porn makers, game maker such as Illusion is also developing VR games for next year. However, General Producer Naoyuki Otsuru did express his concern that the negative reaction towards the adult content may damage the reputation of VR. He added that VR can expand a new horizon for human sexual experience but the content must be carefully handled so as not to fall into the wrong hands. Kids under 18, if you are reading this, get off already!
Illusion has a VR game in the pipeline which is called “VR Kanojo” (VR Girlfriend). This game enables the players to virtually enter into his imaginary girlfriend’s room and have “fun” with her.
A VR demonstration back in April
On the other hand, certain parties are worried that people in the future might give up on real-life relationships in favour of virtual romance when the VR technology has been perfected.
To address this issue, Otsuru said, “It’s impossible to eliminate adult content forever, so we need to think about how we should use it.” Well, if you can’t beat them, join them. Sounds like you have turned to the dark side, Otsuru.
So, what do you think? Is VR porn a good thing for our future? I’m sure everyone’s interested to check this out for research purposes