Porch pirates, or package thieves, may be a common concept overseas, where criminals run off with packages delivered to a home or even pose as a homeowner to accept an item directly from the delivery person, but it is still rare here.
Though it is a rare occurrence, this delivery rider shared a video of how the trend had reached Malaysian shores when he caught this school kid trying to run off with another person’s package in Johor.
In the 18-second video, the delivery rider was about to complete his delivery at Flat Seri Alam, Masai, Johor.
He noticed this kid snooping around and tried to run off with a parcel he delivered. Angry, the man scolded him for what he was about to do, and the kid ran away.

Netizens commenting on the video had this to say.
“Thank you abang delivery rider from stopping thieves like this.”
“Where are the parents? I can’t believe they would allow this to happen,” said a user.
What are your thoughts on the incident? Share it with us in the comments section below.
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