Most of us are somewhat patient people but sometimes, there are certain things that will definitely trigger us. For some, it might be hunger while for others, it may be a game.
In a viral video posted on Twitter by Alia Zaferi, a doctor in her mid-20s, we see her husband getting angry after he lost a FIFA match on the PS5.
Kisah sedih ringkas semalam….. tiber takde TV for the next one month ????? Tu la sape suruh emo sgt main Fifa hahahahahahahaha
— Alia Zaferi (@aliazafff) April 9, 2022
Based on the video, Alia’s husband was sitting on a baby mat when he was playing a FIFA match on PS5. Normally, we would play games to relax but it seems like Alia’s husband was very tense until the moment he lost the match.

Feeling angry and needing to release the frustration somehow, he threw the controller on the mat and it bounced towards the TV, effectively spoiling the screen.
When he realised what had happened, he took a moment and fell back onto the pillows behind him.

Alia told WORLD OF BUZZ that at first, she was shocked when he told her what had happened.
“I didn’t believe initially but I realised it was real after he showed me that CCTV clip. I felt bad but couldn’t help laughing cause it was so funny.”
However, some netizens decided that Alia’s husband was an aggressive man based on the 15-second video.
“Avoid getting married to short-tempered gaming kaki like this. Your future confirm crushed.”
Answering that, Alia says:
“He’s a lovely man. A wonderful husband and daddy. For netizens to judge him based on a merely 15s vid is unfair. It was an accident, he was upset and he accidentally smashed the controller on our daughter’s playmat (which is super bouncy), then the controller bounced nicely towards our TV!”
Alia also told us that they have already replaced the TV.
Well, that was certainly a one-in-a-million aim, at least they have a new TV though! Have you ever had something similar happen to you? Let us know in the comments!
Also read: “I’ll never get this opportunity” SG Man Sends Gaming Setup To Hotel For 14-Day Quarantine