How real did your school get when a fire drill was on schedule? Running and screaming aside.
Well, in this particular kindergarten, a teacher, Puan Hafizah Abdul Rani Shafi, went above and beyond to give her students the best experience of the event.
She gave her students gory FX burn makeup that was so realistic, the fireman jumped at the sight of it!

Source: Facebook

Source: Facebook
Damn realistic, am I right?
She explained to Keluarga recently that she was actually given only 30 minutes to transform the ‘victims’. When she searched online for burn wound references, Puan Hafizah could only find makeup tutorials that would take hours to complete.
“So I thought of a different method. I took toilet papers from school and tried to do it on plastic sheets.”
“Only on the next day could I apply them to the students and cover it up with foundation and watercolour to make it look like the skin burned.”

Source: Facebook
According to Puan Hafizah, she has no basic knowledge in art, but she has always enjoyed craft, and coincidentally she was appointed to the role of Head of Make-up Committee for this fire drill. #cool

Source: Facebook
“At first, the other teachers thought that it would just be your average drill but the make-up definitely knocked their socks off! Even the firemen were impressed,” she told Keluarga Magazine.
Wew! That was too real! That could definitely traumatise people if they didn’t know it was makeup done for a drill.
Also read: This Ipoh School Started Rearing Fish In Their Longkang Just Like Japan & It Looks So Cool!